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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Same Kind of Different as Me

Same Kind of Different as Me Summary:

Same Kind of Different As Me is an unusual autobiography in that it combines the lives of two disparate men, a wealthy, disaffected art dealer and an angry, black homeless man, with that of the woman whose love for God drew them together.
Ron’s wife, Debbie Hall was a woman called of God to step outside the boundaries of $1000 per plate charity dinners and high society to take follow in Christ’s steps and take His love to "the least of these". Devoting herself to working with the homeless community of Forth Worth, Texas, she related to those she met as individuals and people with a purpose, loving them for who they were.
This flowing, authentic love was much more difficult for her husband Ron Hall to grasp hold of. Coerced into joining his wife’s ministering efforts, his initial attempts were stilted. Focused more upon assuaging guilt and generating a warm, fuzzy sense of do-gooding, it was only when his friendship with Denver Moore blossomed that he experienced the depths of true compassion.
Raised in informal, modern-day slavery, Moore worked hard growing and picking cotton until some time in his late twenties when he left the only life he knew in search of a better one. The new life he found resulted in thirty years on the streets, homeless and without work. Over these years he became angry, his heart hardened and he slipped into darkness. When God placed the Halls in his life he resisted their tapping at his heart. Survival skills learned from years on the streets launched his automatic defense system. Through prayer, persistence and love the lives of these three individuals would weave a new story that would inspire and touch the lives of thousands.


Amy's Review:

This books makes you think.  In a way Ron and Denver have some of the same characteristics.  They both do what they have to do to make it.  The difference is that Ron is doing what he has to do to make more money and attain a better way of life.  Denver on the hand is doing what he has to do to survive.  Denver believes in God and it not afraid to share what he believes with others.  Ron's wife is the connection between the two and from there a very powerful story is created.  This book inspired me.  It reminded me that it is good to help out other people and not expect anything in return.  Sometimes we get so caught up in our own lives that we over look our friends and neighbors and the fact that they themselves may need a little help.  Because of my busy life it took me a while to read this book.  I didn't finish it until this past Sunday night and I am glad that it took me that long to read it because during the time that it took me to read this book we found ourselves needind some help with our bathroom and I had posted a request on facebook but only received one response.  The response led us to someone that was able to help us and didn't ask for anything in return even though I tried to give him something.  My payment to him came this past friday in the form of a pay it forward.  I must admit that I didn't want to help but I did.  And I am glad that I did because I came away from it with a thought that if that was me I hope that I am blessed enough that someone will help me if I ever find myself in that situation.  I also came away from my pay it forward with a very good feeling,  one that I can't describe.  I then finished  Same Kind of Different as me on Sunday and I got the same feeling that I felt on Saturday.  I would definately recommend this book to people.  It reminds you of who you are and what you have and to not take anything for granted as well as to remember that it is good to do something nice for someone and not expect anything in return.  And when the opportunity comes to pay it forward you should not turn it down.

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